Our Vision

Our Vision

Our vision is to provide excellent education in English to children across North Africa, rippling outward to impact entire communities and beyond.


Indeed, we hope that these children will someday go on to transform their communities in extraordinary ways. Our vision starts with children, but it does not end there. Our hope is that our work with children will ripple out to families as we come alongside parents to help them realize their dreams for their children. We hope that this influence will in turn ripple out to the communities where we work as we build bridges of understanding between cultures. As we hire staff from within the community, our vision is to help them realize their full potential as we invest in them and help them develop professionally. Finally, we hope that someday our influence might ripple out to entire nations as we help them compete in the global marketplace. We also have a vision to contribute to the profession of teaching. This starts as we nurture our passion for children and dedicate ourselves to doing what is best for each child in the long run. Our vision is to pass on what we are learning to our local staff and help them develop professionally so they can then take the best elements of our model and apply them to their own careers, even after they leave ClubAnglais. We even hope that someday our hard work and innovation will prove useful to the global community of educators. We hope that we can somehow contribute toward the development of best practice in education, especially in the areas of: the affective domain, a developmental approach to learning, immersion education, and differentiation. Finally, we have a vision for our investors. We hope that someday they will see that their investment is making a lasting impact on communities across North Africa. We hope that they will find tremendous satisfaction and lasting fulfillment in knowing that their investment is being leveraged for good to help transform lives.